BM No 239 Drops Homeopathic Medicine for Blood Circulation

BM No 239 Drops Homeopathic Medicine for Blood Circulation


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BM No 239 Homeopathic Medicine for Blood Circulation

Bm No 239 is homeopathic medicine for blood Circulation and other Blood Problem. Bm No 239 drops use three time with water to get rid of all blood circulatory problem. 

 Specific symptoms of Bm No 239 

Symptoms, fatigue, weakness, post-pregnancy weakness and its effects, nerve impairment of the heart. This formulation has been found to be very effective and effective in blood diseases

Particularly pregnant are the symptoms of bleeding due to bleeding after the baby is born, low blood  pressure and some of the infections are symptoms of influenza, angina, hands and feet etc.
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BM No 239 Drops Homeopathic Medicine for Blood Circulation 

Composition of BM No 239 Homeopathic medicine For Blood Circulation

Crataegus D2+20C, Laurocerasus D3+30C, Oleander D3+30C, Scoparium D2+20C

Used Method 

Use 10 to 15 drops three time a day with some water.


Bm No 239 Homeopathic Medicine available in 30 ml standard quality packing. Bm No 239 drops use 10 to 15 drops with some water three time a day.

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